
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Character State Management

   When making a game how should the program decide when the player should be walking? Well, maybe if they press the arrow keys. But, then what if the character is crouching and you would like the arrow keys to make them crawl. Also, what if you want the character to jump when the up button is pressed but only if the character is standing and not walking. One way is to have a variable for jump and another for walk and one for crouch, and by using a large combinations of if-statements you can determine the animation that should be played.

   Anyone that has followed this way of thinking before will know that eventually this if-statement will get large and the number of state related variables grows quickly. Once the number of variables becomes too large, handling the various exceptional cases becomes nearly impossible.

   When I started I too faced this problem, however I have since found a much more elegant solution. I have found that all of these states can be described as a finite state machine. Game developers can benefit from this approach by clearly defining which states can transition to others and by abstracting the transition logic away from keyboard inputs.

   To start a programmer needs to describe a simple generic finite state machine. A finite state machine consists of a graph of nodes representing states and directed edges representing actions. The state machine keeps track of its current state and when it receives an action it move to a new state only if it has an out going edge with the same action. Then, Once we have a generic finite state machine we simply draw whatever animation we want to associate with a particular state.

   One thing to note in the design of my state machines is that I never make the action refer to user inputs. This is because not all of the characters in my game are controlled by the player, so for non-player characters it does not sense to think of actions as user inputs. This also gives me the flexibility to change the inputs later if I want to run it on another platform, like the Xbox360 which has buttons and joysticks rather than a mouse and keyboard.

A partial character state diagram from my RPG game engine
   I have used this technique in my RPG game engine and have found it extremely elegant. I no longer need massive if statements for determining what character animation should be drawn. I have also found it has enabled me to have more complicated character actions, like action combos, that I used to find very difficult to program.

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